Jhanjargir, Chhattisgarh, Husband reached court with 100 kg coins to give his wife. In Chattisgarh a husband carrying 100 kilograms of coins to the family court. This coins was brought to the wife to give her Alimony. He was collecting it for 8 months. This amount was taken by taking them in 5 bags.
छत्तीसगढ़ के जांजगिर में एक पति 100 किलो चिल्लर लेकर कुटुंब कोर्ट पहुंचा। शख्स ये चिल्लर अपनी पत्नी को भरण-पोषण राशि देने के लिए लाया था । वो 8 महीने से इसे इक्ट्ठा कर रहा था । ये राशि वो 5 थैलो में लेकर पहुंचा था
#100kgCoins #ChattisgarhJanjgir #Court